Penis Anatomy:
The Penis is a complex yet simple organ. In this section of our site we describe the scientific aspect of the penis, what is it made of and what does it do.We also discuss its lenght and girth and explain how penis improvement is possible.
It is still not fully understood what determines the size of your penis, however in the past few years we've made incredible strides in identifying the major factors that can contribute to the erection quality of your so beloved organ. Let's first focus on dispelling some of those rumors you know are floating around in your head right now...
Old Wives Tales
The following old wives tales are very commonly believed, but are at times very illogical and almost always wrong. A good rule of thumb - do you really believe any product will enhance your penis 5 inches in 2 weeks? The bigger the hype , the bigger the scam.
This method is extremely dangerous ! Please do NOT use weights to try to enhance your penis.You will NOT get any bigger and you might end up with serious problems. Weights are a complete myth in the enhancement work...Many men have suffered unrepairable damage due to this method.Ask yourself if you really want to hang weights on your penis?
Penis Pumps
Pumps are probably the most common mistake that men trying to achive penis enhancement do.Basically pumps claim that they will increase your penis size using vaccum...Well we DONT think so! Pumps can cause you various problems like:
- Broken Blood Vessels
- Injury Caused By Over Pumping
- Potential Impotence From Using A Pump
- Painful Daily Regimens
- Poor urination flow
- Skin blotches
- Extreme Swelling From Penis Over Pumping
- Very SLOW Penis Enhancement, If Any
- A Penis Pump Can Cost As Much As $150 - For What?
Penis Surgery
Penis Enhancement Surgery can be an extremely dangerous and disfiguring operation! The potential risks and side-effects of a botched operation far outweigh the potential gains you may get. Some of the most common side-effects reported are distortion of the penis, erectile dysfunction and prostate difficulty.
No. You will not increase your penis size from masturbation. Life isn't that easy! Although some penis enhancement exercises can be very pleasurable.
How natural penis enhancement occurs?
So how does the penis enhances naturally? The answer to that question is fairly easy to understand.But first you need to learn a little bit about the penis anatomy so you can know what needs to happen for the penis to improve.
Knowing the corpora cavernosa:
Two parallel bodies of erectile tissue, which form the largest part of the shaft of the penis. These become engorged with blood, leading to erection.The corpora cavernosa in the penis is similar in construction to the pore cells in marine life called sponges. Repeatedly stretching the pore cells in a live sponge will cause it's absorption pores to expand and heal in this expanded state to adapt to the minute tearing of the cellular walls of the pores, thereby making the pore cells larger and more capable of absorbing more water and nutrients.
The corpora cavernosa in the penis is responsible for the size it has.
When an erection happens the corpora cavernosa expands to its maximum size.So being it a live tissue it responds similarly in the manner of a sponge , therefore, continuous stretching and healing should cause the distensible blood spaces to increase their ability to absorb more blood, as a sponge does with water. Natural penis enhancement methods like penis exercise and devices target these openings using the principle of traction where a frequent and repetitive stretching of the copora cavernosa will stimulate them provinding more room for blood to pool and store during your erection.
Penis pills and patches do the same thing but in a reverse way:
They provide your penis with ingredients that promote the blood flow in the corpora cavernosa and with time that increased blood flow will pressure the tissue to expand .